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Change Channel


Meet Imogen

Imogen, the visionary behind Change Channel, is a dedicated men’s empowerment coach with over a decade of experience in mental health, emotional independence, and self-discovery. She is a skilled numerologist and advocate for personal growth specialising in helping men reclaim their lives by blending practical tools with deep emotional insights.

Imogen's journey started with a quest to understand her own mind and emotions. Her relentless pursuit of purpose led to the creation of Change Channel. Initially dedicated to helping women unlock their intuitive healing gifts, she soon realised that many capable men were silently battling their own struggles. These men, who have the potential to be exceptional, often found it challenging to seek the help they needed.


Seeing these men’s struggles firsthand, Imogen shifted her focus to empower them. She recognized that these men, despite their capabilities, were held back by internal battles and a lack of support. Through Change Channel, Imogen now dedicates herself to guiding men through their personal and professional challenges, helping them break free from self-limiting patterns and embrace their full potential.


Imogen brings a diverse and in-depth background to her coaching practice, combining technical expertise with profound personal growth training. She has 4 years of 1:1 mentorship under Heather Leighton and has completed Advanced Shamanic Practitioner Training with The Ankara Academy. As a Verified Ankara Coach and POD leader, she has contributed over 120 hours to guiding transformative group processes. Additionally, Imogen has completed a 12-month 1:1 Innerchild Work program with Leo Mayers.


With an Advanced Diploma in Engineering and 4 years of trade experience at a Coal Export Terminal Site, Imogen uniquely connects with men in high-stress professions. Her blend of technical knowledge and emotional healing expertise helps men navigate professional and personal challenges, recalibrate trust, safety, and accountability, and push through limitations to become exceptional.


Her approach combines deep empathy with practical strategies, offering a blend of coaching that addresses both emotional resilience and tangible results. By fostering an environment of safety, trust, and accountability, Imogen supports men in pushing through their limitations and achieving exceptional growth.


Imogen’s mission is clear: to transform the lives of men by helping them overcome their inner struggles, build confidence, and lead purposeful lives. She believes that empowering men can heal generations, creating a legacy of love and strength.

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